Getting Ready For The High School Reunion… and more (make sure to read our announcement in the last paragraph!!!)
My daughter came to town for Thanksgiving weekend; two trips in one. A visit with the family and mom’s Thanksgiving dinner were combined with an evening at her 10th-year high school reunion. Did I just say 10th-year high school reunion? Wasn’t it just my 10th-year high school reunion? Gosh, how seeing your children enter past stages of your life makes the years in between feel so compact. Actually, I’m quickly approaching my 50th-year high school reunion.
A very clear memory of my in-laws coming home from my father-in-law’s 50th reunion strikes a chord. My mother-in-law commented woefully that evening about how so few from the class were there with so many no longer living. Never was the expression, “60 is the new 40” more relevant.
Now that our son’s wife is expecting their first child, our first grandchild, we are filled with thoughts of our own milestones. Still, nothing could be more invigorating or magical than watching as our children embark on the journey of their lives.
Judd and Dena