With my nine-month-old granddaughter comfortably ensconced on my lap, her gently clasped hand innocently draped over mine, I swiftly worked to document the scene. Using my free non-dominant left hand for the task, I shakily pressed my iPhone camera button. A half-cocked snap was triggered barely in time to take the captivating picture of our tenderly stacked hands.

Why was I so eager to capture the fleeting moment? Pure unadulterated joy quickly dominated my thoughts. The image likewise evokes the type of visual tell-all I prefer to use in my blog posts to eternalize a memory. My beautiful granddaughter will be able to look back someday and fondly “feel” the peaceful surrender of her tiny pristine hand upon her aging grandmother’s.

I look forward to updating the image from time to time as the two of us walk along holding hands while delightedly making more fond memories. No doubt, there will come a day when my granddaughter will naturally outgrow clutching my hand. Instead, she’ll run along contentedly with her friends.

When she’s much older, perhaps with children and grandchildren of her own, will she look back at this picture as one of her favorites? Will it be part of my legacy? It will surely bring to mind gentle remembrances and warm feelings of one of the truest and most innocent forms of trusted love.