My husband called just as I stopped at a busy intersection in town. He was tracking me down as he was on his way home from work. I told him that I couldn’t get across Scotland Road. He began to guess, “Why? Traffic?” My reply startled him. I answered exasperatingly, “So much traffic,” as I continued to rant by exclaiming, “Gee willikers, I never saw it like this.” “Gee willikers,” he repeated lightheartedly, “Where’d you get that? I haven’t heard that since Uncle Hy.”

My husband grew up in a two-family house, where he lived upstairs with his parents and two older brothers. His three male cousins lived downstairs with his aunt and uncle. His mother’s sister was married to his father’s brother Hy. Uncle Hy simply called me, “Sweetie.” I guess he liked me even though he couldn’t remember my name.

I can just picture my father commenting about the expression I uncharacteristically came up with while stuck at the busy crossroad by using one of his all-time favorites, “That’s a real doozy!”

What are some of your favorite old-time expressions? Which relatives would you be reminded of if you heard one of these “Golden Oldies?”

Family picnic - Uncle Hy Cohen front right

Family picnic - Uncle Hy Cohen front right