When I received this message (attached here) from my cousin Kim, I laughed. I got such a warm feeling from the letter her mother wrote to General Mills about her fondness for Cheerios. It has been my husband’s Monday-Friday go to breakfast his entire life. Saturday is reserved for challah French toast and Sunday either fresh bagels and eggs or pancakes.
My husband was started with Cheerios as his first food. His mother always espoused the benefits of Cheerios for babies. They won’t choke on them, she advised, and they can just pick them up and eat them. Needless to say, I followed her advice. There’s a photograph below of my daughter in her high chair with a sprinkling of Cheerios on the tray and one stuck to her nose.
And, as the letter Kim’s mom so thoughtfully wrote to General Mills, makers of Cheerios, you can take them anywhere and eat Cheerios any time of day. Now that we’re grandparents, when we take our baby granddaughter out for a walk in her stroller, we bring the Cheerios snack container we had saved from our children’s collection and fill it with her trusted Cheerios snack. Before we know it, her infant brother will carry on the family tradition and not only be a Yankees fan, he’ll be a Cheerios fanatic.
My daughter Rina February 15, 1991 10-months-old Cheerios on her high chair and one stuck to her nose
From generation to generation-our 15-month-old granddaughter reaching for Cheerios snack container used by our children
Ruth upon receiving her personalized Cheerios gift from General Mills August 31, 2020