If you meet someone who had the same teacher as you had for kindergarten, but you’ve tossed memorabilia, you could miss the excitement of sharing something special from your files. I got joy from sharing my promotion from kindergarten paper with my husband’s long-time friend Jimmy. See More Lincoln School Memories dated August 23, 2021, and Finding the Family of Hy Friedman, Art Teacher (No Relation), and More…, dated November 2, 2021.
Jimmy started school in Roselle at the school I attended two years hence. He had the same kindergarten teacher two years before I did. But, Jimmy soon moved to Elizabeth, where he met my husband, also two years my senior, and went all through public school, Hebrew school, and college with him.
While searching for an elementary school report card for last week’s blog post cover picture, which I thought may be in my files, I hit pay dirt. Not only did I find my Sixth-Grade report card and my husband’s First-Grade report card, but I found my promotion paper to First Grade.
We’re going back a few years, but it didn’t hurt me at all to keep this picture of a clown. The condition of the browning paper reveals that it once hung out on display. That was either in the classroom, at my parents' home, or both. Thumbtack holes (remember them?) are visible on top and bottom.
As a fun aside, our kindergarten teacher Miss Cohn married and became Mrs. Mark (no relation). I was Miss Mark, married and became Mrs. Cohen.
Jimmy and I have fond memories of Miss Cohn, a young caring teacher, gone too soon. That was not many years after she was our first teacher. Our kindergarten teacher’s signature on my promotion form from the 1950s is a good reason to donate this impressive piece of memorabilia to the Roselle Historical Society.