Some people are so kind, so thoughtful. After shopping at a CVS pharmacy in a local strip mall, I spotted a house for sale. It reminded me of a neighborhood house on that same stretch where a duck sat on the front lawn dressed for the weather.

Okay, it was a life-sized ceramic duck, but it gave our young family a thrill to pass and see that fancy aquatic bird and wonder what it would be wearing on any given day. We especially delighted in seeing it in its raingear when the clouds loomed overhead. Whatever it wore told the weather forecast. It was a real conversation piece. 

One day, we saw the house was for sale, and I had the children send the owner a letter telling her how much pleasure she gave others. We were so disappointed that she was moving. She was so kind. Not only did she write a letter back to the children, but she included stickers for them, most likely purchased across the street at CVS.

We wondered if she took the duck and dressed it for the weather in her new home. We probably scouted for that duck in costume on a nearby lawn for years, especially hoping to see it on a rainy day.

Did other children write to her? Hopefully, she had a long and happy retirement in another home with the whimsical duck on display.

Now, our young grandchildren enjoy playing with a big yellow toy duck they found in their aunt’s childhood bathroom. When they dress it with its rain cap, I think of the kind and thoughtful woman who gave our family so much pleasure. With our daughter in town, we can have lots of fun with the rubber duckie while teaching the kiddies about kindness.

Solly and Aunt Rina’s rubber duckie

Solly and Aunt Rina’s rubber duckie

Dizzy and Aunt Rina’s rubber duckie

Dizzy and Aunt Rina’s rubber duckie