On May 28, 2022, our cousin Faina Фаина Ирилевич posted a picture of her latest creation on Facebook. Her brother, Joseph Дигерман Олтер, commented, “Beautiful. This vase bowed its head to its maker !!!”

Faina, born in Kiev, made Aliyah and has lived in Haifa, Israel, since 1990. Fortunately, I met her in person when she came to the States in 2003. That was at services and celebrating our daughter Rina becoming a bat mitzvah.

In 2011, Faina hosted Rina in Israel. If you had the opportunity to read my 18-part blog series about my father’s family from Chudnov, Ukraine, you would understand that this is a major miracle and a blessed story of survival.

Artist: Faina Irilevich

Cousin Faina displays her art at exhibition August 2022 Haifa, Israel

If I were to keep up with all the art created by my relatives living in all parts of the world, I would need to post a blog each day. Yet, how could I not offer a glimpse of this beauty? I do my best to share much of the creative works of family members and friends with all other relatives and friends so that they, in turn, can take part in the joy, learn, and hopefully, respond with pictures of more of their creations for me and others to enjoy.

Also, in May, we received an invitation from our nephew, Devin Cohen, to attend his art exhibition in Mexico. If you missed my blog post on February 22, 2022, Devin’s Art, check it out.

In response to Devin’s latest invitation, even though we were unable to attend the event, I proudly forwarded the information to another cousin. She's related to Devin and is also an artist. She responded with a picture of her latest piece and noted, “inspired by Picasso’s Guernica.” Cousin Judy announced, “I call mine Ukrainica.”

Judy Benderson wrote: “My 12ft Ukrainica painting is going to be exhibited for 3 months starting in June at Windows on Wisconsin Avenue.”

The works keep on coming, and I cannot get enough of seeing such talent in the family. Through it all, I’ve gained a broader appreciation for all forms of art.

The latest accomplished family art, found on Facebook, had me oohing and aahing about a cousin in Florida we’ve yet to meet but have corresponded with a few times. Check out the bio of Artist Leesi Oshins at: Leesi also happens to be a long-lost cousin to Devin and Judy.

Please share your artistic creations. What’s the point of looking at something on Facebook, clicking “like, or love,” and moving on? People (I’m shouting) you need to share!