From the earliest days of my youth, I remember getting outfitted in new clothes, including underwear and shoes, to attend all family simchas. After all, what is life without celebrating happy times with family?

When we received an invitation to attend the Bat Mitzvah of my 2nd cousin 2x removed in San Diego, there was no question that we would make every effort to attend. We missed the last several in that branch of our family and others due to the pandemic, but we attended the services on Zoom, I might add, dressed for the occasion. I even dabbed on perfume!

To understand the importance for us of attending our cousin Hazel’s religious milestone, read last Tuesday’s blog post, Harry’s Story, Parts I through IV, posted from April 4, through April 7, 2023, at The pictures of Hazel’s line of family Simchas we’ve attended, include her mother Eva’s bat mitzvah in 1991 and her parent’s wedding in 2006.

May we continue to have celebrations with our family and friends dressed in fine new clothes and a spritz of perfume. That is the sweetness of life.

Eva January 19, 1991

Eva Los Angeles, California November 12, 2006

Esther and her granddaughter Hazel January 28, 2023 San Diego, California

Sharon and Arnee with cousins in San Diego - Hazel’s bat mitzvah reception (Hazel and her sister Sherrie were having too good of a time on the dance floor and are not pictured) January 28. 2023

Sharon in center with her cousins left to right, Stephanie, Sarah, Esther, and Eva January 28, 2023