The verdict is in. A Caucasian Michigan mother was found guilty on four counts of involuntary manslaughter on January 6, 2024. Her son had already received life in prison for killing four students in his school with a gun his parents bought for him. The precedent-setting case shows signs of the pendulum swinging away from harsh penalties only for people of color.
Writing a children’s book? As seen on Facebook, publishers are seeking more black authors. Looking for employment? Employers need their boxes checked. How many can you check?
Having watched trends throughout the years in schools, synagogues, the workplace and now in society in general, it’s clear the pendulum is swinging. What magnified the matter was the picture that popped out at me on the computer screen showing a tombstone indicating the death of white couples in TV commercials.
The question remains, when will things level out and make the playing fields fair for all? I’m waiting.